Glossary - FAQ hybrid



When the flower spike is stalled inside the pseudostem, or does not emerge fully fromthe pseudostem. When stalled inside the pseudostem the flower spike will often emerge through the side of the psuedostem.


The flower inflorescence, often called the "flower bud", can be removed when in the male flower stage. It may be that the removal redirects resoucres that would have been wasted on additional male flower formation. Conversely, the presence of the "flower bud" may signal the plant to commit additional resources to increase fruit size. If the "flower bud" is removed, leave about 12" of the stem below the banana bunch. In some cases a portion of the stem will dessicate after the "flower bud" is removed. If the stem is cut to close to the bunch, it may dessicate above the last banana fingers which will cause those bananas to die off. See picture below. The male portion of the inflorescense is often eaten is a variety of ways.


Structure, commonly called "the flower" which emerges from the top of the pseudostem and and consists initially of female flowers and protective brachts, and later male flowers and brachts attached to a central stem.


Everything you see above the surface of the soil is leaf. What we often refer to as the trunk is technically a pseudostem composed of a bundle of leaf stems. The strength of the trunk is derived from the curvature of the leaf stems, and the way they overlap. Narrower stems mean less overlap, and therefore potentially less strength. When the flower spike pushes its' way up through the center of the pseudostem it forces the overlapping leaf stems apart, decreasing their overlap, and weakening the stem.