"we be bananas" in San Diego
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BANANA Translations
As far as I can determine the following collective names apply to "banana", not to the "plantain", a specific cooking banana. (025)
ARABIC : Maouz, Maozeh (Lebanese), Mauz, Mazw, Moaz, Mouz, Moz
BURMESE : Hnget pyaw / Nget pyaw, Nget pyo thee, Nga pyaw thee, Nga pyaw phoo (flower).
CHINESE : Jiao (Tsiu, Chiu), Xiangjiao (929), Shang chao fua (? flower).
DANISH : Banan, Bananer, Bananbusk (plant), Banantrę (plant).
DUTCH : Banaan, Bananen, Banaanboom (plant), Banaanplant, Bananeplant.
ENGLISH : Banana, Banana tree, Banana shrub.
FINNISH : Banaanit, Banaanirata, Banaanikasvi (plant).
FRENCH : Banane, Bananes, Bananier (plant), Figue (ingredient, dried fruit - Caribbean-Sea islands).
GERMAN : Banane, Bananen, Bananenpisang, Bananenstaude (plant).
HAUSA : Ayaba.
Kelaa, Kelaa ka fool (Kere kafool) (flower).
ITALIAN : Banana, Banane, Banano (plant).
Banana, Banana no tsubomi (flower).
KANNADA : Balayhanu.
KHMER : Cheek nam'vaa, Chec.
LAOTIAN : Mak guy, Kwąyz, Kok khone.
MALAY : Pisang, Getang (Indonesia), Jantung pisang (flower), Djantoong (Indonesia).
NEPALESE : Kadali.
PORTUGUESE : Banana, Bananas, Bananeira (plant).
SINHALESE : Kehel, Kehel mal.
SPANISH : Banana, Platano, Plįtanos, Cambur (plant), Banano (plant), Platanero (plant).
SWAHILI : Ndizi, Maso.
SWEDISH : Bananer.
TAGALOG : Saging (Fruit), Puso (flower), Punong saging (plant).
TAMIL : Vazha, Vazhei.
TELUGU : Artipandu.
Kluai / Kluay / Klue / Kluey / Gluai / Glooway / Gkloo ay, Dok kluai (flower), Hua blee (flower).
URDU : Kelaa (Keyla).
Kelaa kaa phuul (flower).
YORUBA : Ogede.
{EDIT} The dessert types are emas, berangan, rastali, udang and a new clone named cavendish (novaria) whereas the hardy fruits used in cooking and food processing are abu nipah, abu kapur, buloh, tanduk, awak, masam and nangka. (142)
{EDIT} The dessert types are emas, berangan, rastali, udang and a new clone named cavendish (novaria) whereas the hardy fruits used in cooking and food processing are abu nipah, abu kapur, buloh, tanduk, awak, masam and nangka. (142)
Ensete ventricosum
Large green and red leaves. From East Africa where it tolerates frost at high altitudes. Huge leaves that can grow 10-15 feet long and 1-1/2 feet wide. Grows well in full sun to partial shade. Fast growing and non clumping. Does great in containers and indoors. (013b) Palm-like ornamental perennial. Rising from the solitary psuedotrunk, are large, paddle-shaped, 10-15' long bright green leaves with a red midrib. Protect from strong wind. 15' spread. Ornamental, non-fruiting. (068) Fantastic ornamental banana with huge leaves reaching 10 feet. Deep red and green leaves. It lookes like someome painted it by hand. Full sun in a rich, moist well drained loam. Very fast growing, non-clumping, unlike most bananas. Perfect for the tropical garden or in green houses. (039) An ornamental banana with huge leaves and dark red midribs. Stunning. The leaves make excellent food baskets or plates, and the plant adds a lot of atmosphere to the orchard and can be very useful in helping to create the environment subtropicals need. Excellent biomass producer. Grows large. (078)
HEIGHT: 15' (039), 20' (013b) (068)
HIGHLIGHTS: Non-clumping. Highly Ornamental.
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One of the presumed predecessors of the many dessert bananas today. A primitive seeded variety. Susceptible to fusarium wilt. (001) A primitive variety of the grocery store bananas that we see in the market. The fruit is seeded. This is a rare variety. (010) Musa acuminata is a wild, seed-bearing species of banana. [M]ost banana cultivars grown for fruit derive from Musa acuminata alone or in combination with another species, Musa balbisiana but these plants are correctly named by reference to their genome groups. (011) Musa acuminata is an extremely variable species that has been sorted into a number of different subspecies based on their geographic occurrence and various technical differences. A CHARACTERISTIC OF THE LEAVES OF MUSA ACUMINATA SUBSPECIES IS THE OCCURRENCE OF PURPLE-RED MARKINGS ON THE UPPER SURFACE AND A PURPLE-RED BLUSH ON THE UNDERSIDE. The intensity of colour varies greatly between different subspecies. The intensity of colour also varies, but to a smaller extent, between different seedlings of the same subspecies. The best coloured forms have been selectively propagated for ornamental use by vegetative propagation; these days micropropagation is often used. Sometimes the ornamental forms are given cultivar names like 'Zebrina', 'Sumatrana', 'Rojo' or 'Rubra' but these are not taxonomically valid. Because similar leaf colouration occurs in different subspecies of Musa acuminata it is rather difficult to tell from which subspecies the ornamental forms have actually been derived. Most probably the ornamental forms have been derived from Musa acuminata subsp. sumatrana and Musa acuminata subsp. zebrina. The best forms of the plant are spectacular foliage plants for greenhouse or conservatory. (011) Xiang jiao, Xiao guo ye jiao, Zhong guo ai jiao , Gao jiao ya jiao, Gao jiao xiang jiao (Chinese). (025)
GENETICS: Contibutes the "A" components in banana hybrids.
DISEASE: Fusarium Wilt susceptible.
HIGHLIGHTS: Red markings on leaves.
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Growing in Vista, CA.
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A'e A'e, Koae, Manini, Kao'e
A beautiful variegated green & white plant that also has multicolored fruit. It may be cooked or eaten out of hand when fully ripe. A much sought after variety for landscape and collectors. More pH sensitive than most, rhizomes may resort to solid green or white if pH changes, therefore [it is] difficult to get true off-spring. (001) Spectacular variegated leaves of multishades of green and white colors and they even produce variegated fruit. This banana is very rare and limited in supply. (003) [A] Hawaiian variety of unusual beauty. It's truck, leaves, and fruit are variegated white, gray, and green. The bunches are large and the plants are tall and vigorous. The plant seems to appreciate a somewhat protected location in partial sun. It was said that only royalty were permitted to grow this variety in Old Hawaii. It is extremely rare and suckers only sparsely. The fruit is of excellent flavor and is primarily used as a cooking banana though it may be eaten fresh. (007) The banana of the ancient Hawaiian royalty because of its' spectacular white and green variegation covering the entire plant. Still quite rare, slow to pup, it is semi-hardy. The fruit is best cooked, but is palatable raw. (009) A really incredible variegated green & white banana plant! This one is amazing in that it also bears variegated fruit ! The skin/peel on the fruits are variegated, but the flesh is like a regular banana. This is an extremely rare plant and highly desired by collectors and exotic landscapers. The plant appears to be more pH sensitive than most. Prefers a soil that is slightly more on the acidic side. The offshoots of this plant may become all green or white if the pH changes, therefore making it really hard to get new plants. Extremely Rare. (010) [E]dible raw fruits, good for "dried Bananas", useful leaves & rinds (021) I grow mine in a large pot in pure peat moss with a little perlite added for drainage. You could use sand, pumice or something else for drainage, too. I`ve had it several months now and it couldn`t be happier. I`ve lost count on how many leaves it has produced. I feed it Osomocote time-release acid fertilizer. It seems to like morning sun and afternoon shade. The cream part of the leaves "burn" no matter what you do. ... Needs acid pH (5.5-6.5) for best growth. ... There was a mention that the Ae Ae is considered a plantain or cooking banana. [It] is a cooking banana, but not a plantain. Bananas and plantains are not the same. Similar, but not the same. [N]eeds an acid soil for the leaves to be varigated, otherwise they will just become green. The leaves show up really well in moonlight and make a nice exotic touch to a moongarden or any garden at night as well as looking interesting by day. ... I grow Ae Ae in full sun and in an alkeline soil. I harvest 2 or 3 bunches a year and a bunch has 7 or more hands of very large bananas. They are great eaten fresh or cooked. (033) Hawaiian variegated Prefers some shade and wind protection. Best for garden or indoors. Needs some special care to show its' best: acid soil (ph 6.0 or less), partial shade and protection from high winds to prevent drying and sun burning. Beautiful but demanding Suited for Indoors. (038) The Ae Ae is one of the most spectacular banana plants ever! Even the skin of the large bananas is green and white striped! Although the fruit is more of a plantain, it can be eaten fresh or cooked. This unique variety grows best in partial shade and prefers an acid pH. This is an extremely rare variety!! (039) There was a mention that the Ae Ae is considered a plantain or cooking banana. The Ae Ae is a cooking banana, but not a plantain. Bananas and plantains are not the same. Similar, but not the same. (076)
TYPE: Dessert, Cooking
HEIGHT: 10-14' (001) (010), 15-20' (039), 16' (007), 18' (038)
HIGHLIGHTS: Variegated leaves and fruit.
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African Red
An unusual plantain that produces relatively few fruit but the size of each can weigh 2-3 pounds and be as long as 12-20 inches or more. The pseudostem has a dark burgundy hue which gives rise to the term some call "African Red". A collectors delight, especially when fruiting. Cold sensitive. (001) Slender, somewhat fragile plant needs protection from wind. Grow it for an attractive red coloration of the truck and in the leaf. Large fruit (up to 2 feet) are produced which may be cooked green as a vegetable or eaten ripe. The bunch is fairly large. (007) The name of this clone is derived from the unusual length of the fruit, which has been known to reach 2'. An excellent cooking banana, it also can be eaten raw. The plant itself is visually appealing, with a wine-colored trunk and purple mottling on the leaves. Tender. (009) [P]roduces two to four hands of fruit The fruits are usually 12-14 inches in length, but can grow to 2 ft. and weigh as much as 3 lbs. each. [H]as leaves and a pseudostem that is dappled red. The fruit is good for cooking and eating out-of-hand. [A] favorite of corm borer pests. (056) This is a tall plantain with long, strongly curved fruits that give rise to is common name. This banana cultivar may have the longest fruits of any banana; up to 2' in length, an individual fruit may weigh as much as 2 lbs. The colorful pseudostem and petioles make this an excellent landscaping plant, but too big for most containers. This banana may be eaten ripe or cooked like other plantains. Cold sensitive. (010) (038) A tall and slender plantain, ... with large finger type bananas 2' in length. Trunk and leaves have attractive red coloration. Fruit can be cooked or eaten out of hand. Very attractive! (052)
TYPE: Plantain
HEIGHT: 10-12' (001) (009) (010), 16-20' (007), 20' (032)
HIGHLIGHTS: Unusual large fruit.
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{EDIT} Ambon (Phi); Pisang Ambon Putih (Ind); Pisang Embun (Mal); Kluai Hom Dok Mai (Tha) (141)
Pisang Embun, Pisang Ambon Putih, Kluai hom dok mai (025)
hom = fragrant (Thai) (025)
Found growing at an old plantation house fifty years ago in a pre-Civil War, abandoned slave quarters. This tree produces fruit about every other year. Tasty yellow bananas are ripe around Thanksgiving for feasting. (003)
Manzano, Monzano, Manzana (Sp.), Silk, Silk Fig, Pome, Hawaiian, Brazillian, Pisang Rastali, Maca, Sugar (028)
[T]his lady finger variety has been popular for many years in the Caribbean and Central & South America. The short plump fruit has a "apple like" after taste which many love. It is very susceptible to fusarium wilt (Panama Disease). (001) Dessert type, pleasant apple flavor when fully ripe. Fruit: 4 to 6 inches. The fruit is not ripe until some brownish specs appear on the skin. The size and quality of this banana tree makes it one of the worlds best eating bananas as well as one of the best dessert bananas. Very thin skined when ripe and super flavor. Sweetest banana I've ever eaten. Excellent also for container growing as in the ground. Nice looking too. (002) Another universally grown cultivar that is difficult to ship. its' common name is derived from the fruit's slightly acid apple-like flavor. Currently the premier plantation banana in Hawaii, it is sturdy, productive, vigorous, and semi-hardy. (009) A unique tasting banana that suggests the flavor of an apple. Here in Florida, the plant is also known as the 'Manzana' banana, which in spanish means apple! The fruit is smallish and some call it 'lady finger' bananas. its' a popular home landscape tree as well and for good reason! The beautiful leaves are long lasting, and the tree grows to a perfect height. (010) This is a really tasty banana, ... and produce[s] stalks of bananas weighing about 40 pounds, the bananas have a slight hint of [the] taste of a Granny Smith apple, that is why they are call apple bananas. [T]he latin name is manzano, really delicious. (013a)There are numerous common cultivars named 'Apple'. The most common 'Apple' in south Florida. It is a dessert-type banana with a pleasant, sub-acid flavor when fully ripe. It is very common in the Caribbean. The plant is medium-sized and susceptible to Sigatoka and Panama disease. It is recommended for home landscape and commercial planting in Panama disease-free sites with disease-free planting material. (028) [Four inch] long plump fruit with strong apple flavor in bunches of 20-40 lbs. Eaten cooked or fresh and is super astringent until dead ripe. Good cold to tolerance. (052) [A] favorite dessert banana. Fruits are 4-6 inches long, plump, and firm. When fully ripe, the fruit has a very good sweet sub-acid apple flavor. However, ripening may occur several days even after yellow color change in skin. Yield is not very high, and plant is very susceptible to Panama disease. As with the 'Apple' Banana, the fruit [of Fhia-18] must be fully ripe before eating. (056) One of the fastest producers of both fruit and tropical foliage. It develops small bunches of 3" to 6" long[. F]ruit are full of flavor, but must be allowed to ripen fully. Eaten fresh or cooked. (005) This vigorous plant is one of the most rapid producers of both fruit and an ornamental clump that we have. Time from planting until harvest is about 15 months. The bunch is small with the individual bananas 3 to 6-inches long. (007) (047) The fruit must be allowed to ripen thoroughly before eating or it is quite astringent. Once ripe, however, it is quite delicious and sweet with a distinct apple flavor. The flesh itself is drier than most other bananas. Eaten fresh or cooked. A favorite in the tropics. (007) This plant is seedless diploid that is rendered so by bearing sterile female flowers. It is not produced commercially on large scale but it is usually grown in backyards for family consumption. its' sub-acid flavor is reminiscent of a cross between an apple and a very sweet banana, which make a pleasing combination. It must be allowed to ripen fully before eating. The plant is quite cold hardy and will not be harmed by temperatures that are close to freezing. If frost is allowed to form on its' leaves they will turn brown. The plant ... is mostly green colored with just a light margin of red around the leaf. (032) A vigorous growing plant that produces large bunches of fruit with a sweet apple like flavor (063) [B]ears well. Pups like crazy. Fruits in approximately the 20th leaf. Fruit is smaller than the standard commercial variety. (097) Famous plump crunchy apple banana of Mexico. (096) A delicious tasting banana that is highly sought after. This is a small banana, 3 - 5 inches long. It ripens to a complete black and is best then. A bit dryer than most bananas with hints of apple and papaya. (032) The Apple banana is one of the more favored bananas wherever it is known and is grown throughout the tropics of the world. The flavorful fruit resembles an apple because of its' slight tartness. The fruit is best eaten fresh, however, it can be cooked. The Apple banana prefers rich fertile soil. (039) [T]he most popular dessert banana of the tropics. It is widely distributed around the tropics and subtropics but never grown on a large scale. The plant is only medium in vigor, very resistant to Sigatoka but prone to Panama disease. There are only 6 to 12 hands in the bunch, each with 16 to 18 fruits. The plump bananas are 4 to 6 in long, slightly curved; astringent when unripe but pleasantly subacid when fully ripe; and apple scented. If left on the bunch until fully developed, the thin skin splits lengthwise and breaks at the stem end causing the fruit to fall, but it is firm and keeps well on hand in the home.
GENETICS: AAB (009) (028)
HEIGHT: 8-10' (001) (010), 10-12' (002), 10-14' (039) 14-16' (032), 15-25' (009) 15' (910)
DISEASE: Panama susceptible.
HIGHLIGHTS: Apple flavor. Must be very ripe before eating.
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San Jose and Del Monte, introduced to San Diego directly from a plantation in Central America. With slender trunks mottled in patches of dark brown, it is an attractive plant of average cold hardiness. It requires some support while fruiting (009)
Is this same as Inarnibal???
Arnibal or senorita (similar to Sarttra). (906)
Wompa (006)
A lot of banana species grow in Malaysia . There are bananas to cook [with] (eg. Nangka, Tanduk, Awak) and those eaten raw like Mas, Rastali, Berangan, and Embun. A plant with hard bark. [E]ach bunch weighs [44-66 lbs]. Sometimes fruits have seeds. (138) Use as fried banana (pisang goreng) or eaten fresh. Each bunch has 8 - 12 hands and weighs [40-48 lbs]. Every hand has 10 - 16 fingers. It has a very medium size fingers ranges from [4-6"] in length and [1-1/4 - 2"] in thickness. Fruit skin is thick, smooth and yellow in colour when ripen. It has creamy white and sticky flesh. In some cases, seeds are present. (139) {EDIT} The dessert types are emas, berangan, rastali, udang and a new clone named cavendish (novaria) whereas the hardy fruits used in cooking and food processing are abu nipah, abu kapur, buloh, tanduk, awak, masam and nangka. (142)
HEIGHT: 12-15' (138)
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The brunches are big and weigh between 18-45 lbs. The skin is thick and the fruit is yellow when ripe. (060) (140) Each bunch has 8 - 12 hands and weighed 12 - 20 kg. Every hand has 12 - 20 fingers. It has medium to large size fingers ranges from 12 - 18 cm in length and 2.5 - 3.5 cm in thickness. Fruit skin is thick, smooth and yellow in colour when ripen. It has yellowish orange, pleasant aroma and sweet flesh. (139) {EDIT} The dessert types are emas, berangan, rastali, udang and a new clone named cavendish (novaria) whereas the hardy fruits used in cooking and food processing are abu nipah, abu kapur, buloh, tanduk, awak, masam and nangka. (142)
HEIGHT: 7-9' (060)
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Fusarium wilt is a serious problem on many banana cultivars. In addition, widely grown clones in the ABB 'Bluggoe' subgroup are also susceptible. (???){edit}
Banana cultivars differ in their susceptibility to Yellow Sigatoka with the Cavendish group (AAA) and 'Pome' (AAB) bananas being highly susceptible. 'Sucrier' (AA), 'Bluggoe' (ABB), and 'Silk' (AAB) are of intermediate susceptibility, while 'Mysore' is only slightly susceptible. Fungicides are available for control. (028)
DISEASE: Fusarium Wilt.
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{EDIT} The dessert types are emas, berangan, rastali, udang and a new clone named cavendish (novaria) whereas the hardy fruits used in cooking and food processing are abu nipah, abu kapur, buloh, tanduk, awak, masam and nangka. (142)
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