"we be bananas" in San Diego
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Fusarium wilt is a serious problem on many banana cultivars, [including] Latundan (Philippines), Maçã (Brazil), Pisang Rastali (Malaysia), Rasthali (India) ... belonging to the AAB 'Silk' subgroup. (130)
Tall Red (001), Cuban Red, Jamaican Red, Colorado, Indio (001)
Known by many names in the world, this very sweet lady finger fruit is most beautiful. It turns "sunset" colors when ripening from dark burgundy to orange, yellow-green and muted colors in between. The full bodied flavor and distinctive sweetness makes it worth the wait of 18-28 months to give fruit. [Has] a dark maroon pseudostem. (001)
HEIGHT: 14-16' (001)
A popular Latin staple that should be eaten cooked. The plant itself is attractive when young with purple colorations in the leaves. Fruiting height undocumented in this area. Tender. (009) [G]rown as a dooryard cultivar. (098)
Maia Maole
This Polynesian cooking variety has delicious flavor and statuesque elegance. It is mostly green with slight red colors in the pseudostem giving serious competition to the other cooking varieties. (001) (004) (010) A tall beautiful plant producing heavy bunches of large bananas which may be cooked as a vegetable or eaten raw. The favorite cooking banana in the local Hawaiian markets. Untested [in California]. (007) Untested in California. (009) Starchy cooking bananas, or plantains, are also found in Hawaii. Largo, Maia maole, and Popoulu are various plantain groups. (024) A beautiful Hawaiian variety that produces heavy bunches of large bananas, can be cooked or eaten raw. (063) [D]ichotomous ... is a somewhat imprecise name referring to a mutant that produces a fruit bunch that divides into two as it grows. This mutation has occurred in three different banana types in 'Dwarf Cavendish and 'Gross Michel' in the AAA group and in 'Maia Maiole' in the AAB group. (011) {EDIT} Miamaoli and Popoulu are two common cooking bananas. Miamaoli is a large, long and round banana that is full at both ends and with yellow skin, while Popoulu is small, very thick and short with round ends. The flesh of both these bananas is pinkish when raw, but turn yellow and transllucent when cooked. (143) Mai'a = banana.
HEIGHT: 12-14' (001) (004) (010), 18-22' (007)
A primitive species, producing a small thin seeded fruit of about 4 inches. Resistant to Panama Disease and Sigatoka. (001) (010)
HEIGHT: 8-10' (001) (010)
DISEASE: Panama resistant, Sigatoka resistant.
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HEIGHT: AA (006)
A lot of banana species grow in Malaysia . There are bananas to cook (eg. Nangka, Tanduk, Awak) and those eaten raw like Mas, Rastali, Berangan, and Embun. (138)
Awak - A very hardy plant. Each bunch weighs about 45-65 lbs. The fruit may or may not contain seeds. 12-15' Cooking' (060) (140) Mentioned at: (029) (140)
Berangan - The brunches are big and weigh between 18-45 lbs. The skin is thick and the fruit is yellow when ripe. 7-9' Dessert (060) (140) Mentioned at: (029) (140)
Cavendish (Embun) - The tree is 3.0m - 3.5m tall. The bunches are big weighing about 10 - 20 kg and each fruit is between 15 - 20cm. The skin is thick and the fruit is yellow when ripe. (140)
Mas - This variety is very sensitive to its environment. The bunches are small weighing about 12-22 lbs and the each fruit is between 4" long. The fruit has a thin skin which turns yellow on ripening. The flesh is yellowish and easily bruised. 7-8' Dessert (060) (140) Mentioned at: (029) (140)
Nangka The fruit is green with a red tinge at the base. Each bunch weighs about 25-30 lbs and each fruit is about 7" long. The flesh is pale yellow with a sweet to sour taste and the skin is thick. 7-9' (060) (140) Mentioned at: (029) (140)
Pisang Embun (Cacendish) The bunches are big weighing about 22-45 lbs and each fruit is between 6-8". The skin is thick and the fruit is yellow when ripe. 9-11' Dessert (060) (140)
Rastali (Rastari?) - The bunches weigh about 22 lbs each. The fruit is half the size of the embun, yellow rough skin with black to brown dots on the surface of the skin. The flesh is distinctive and slightly acidic in taste. It has poor keeping quality. 12' (060) (140) Mentioned at: (029) (140)
Tanduk - Each bunch weights about 7-10 kg with only 2-3 combs [hands] in a bunch. Each comb [hand] consists of about 5-7 fingers (fruit). Each fruits is about 10-14" long with 2-1/2" diameter. The fleshis creamy white. The skin is thick and the fruit is yellow when ripe. (060) (140) Mentioned at: (029) (140)
GENETICS: AAB (006) (064)
An excellent Hawaiian cooking banana. Quite vigorous, produces medium bunches of orange fleshed fruit. Red coloration in new growth and suckers. Underside of leaf and midrib washed in pink. An attractive plant. (063) A very attractive plant that is an excellent Hawaiian cooking banana. Produces medium bunches of orange fleshed fruit. Red coloration of new growth and leaf underside. (007)
HEIGHT: 18-20 (063)
There were over 70 varieties of native mai`a (banana), such as the manini, mahoe, hapai, kahiki, eleele, etc. During Liholiho's time, some kinds of banana were kapu to women, death being the penalty for disobedience. There are lots of Hawaiian myth associated with banana. The Hawaiian literature is rich in the use of similes referring to bananas: "his skin was like a ripe banana" or "his beauty returned like the beauty of a young banana leaf". (108)
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AE AE - The banana of the ancient Hawaiian royalty because of its spectacular white and green variegation covering the entire plant. Still quite rare, slow to pup, it is semi-hardy. The fruit is best cooked, but is palatable raw. (009)
ELE ELE - Has the distinction of being larger in girth than any banana. Fruit of this clone is best eaten cooked. Average hardiness, attractive brown to black coloration. (009) Mentioned at (006)
KAULAU - A fine cooking banana, large bunches, vigorous, growing to 16'. Average hardiness. (009)
MAIA MAOLI - Untested in California. (009)
MAHOI (Double) - (AAA) Dichotomous fruiting head. From a single trunk this mutation of a triploid Acuminata produces two flower buds. The plant resembles a dwarf Cavendish, growing a single bud for the first generation, then doubling as it reaches its full size. 4-8'. Tender (009) Mentioned at (006)
GENETICS: AAB (006) (Except Mahoi - AAA) (009)
Maia Maoli
(Polynesia) (025), Vudi Bawa
(Fiji) (025), Fa'i Samoa
(Samoa) (025)
A cooking banana from Ecuador, has a solid green stout trunk with chubby 4-5 inch fruit. The plant is resistant to sigatoka and other diseases making it a good substitute in countries where this is a commercial problem. (004) (010) French plantain "Maqueño". (025)
HEIGHT: 12' (004)
DSEASE: Sigatoka resistant, and others.
'Maricongo', 'Common Dwarf', 'Pelipita', 'Saba' are the leading cultivars. In Florida, 'Macho' is grown as a dooryard cultivar. (098)
This variety is very sensitive to its environment. The bunches are small weighing about 12-22lbs and the each fruit is between 4" long. The fruit has a thin skin which turns yellow on ripening. The flesh is yellowish and easily bruised. (060) (140) Each bunch has 5 - 9 hands and weighed 8 - 12 kg. Every hand has 14 - 18 fingers. It has small fingers ranges from 8 -12 cm in length and 2 - 3 cm in thickness. Fruit skin is thin, smooth and golden yellow in colour when ripen. It has golden orange, pleasant aroma and very sweet flesh. (139)
HEIGHT: 7-8' (060)
{EDIT} The dessert types are emas, berangan, rastali, udang and a new clone named cavendish (novaria) whereas the hardy fruits used in cooking and food processing are abu nipah, abu kapur, buloh, tanduk, awak, masam and nangka. (142)
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[H]as the same characteristics as 'Dwarf Namwah', and disease resistant. The 4" fruit has excellent flavor. (032) [A] vigorous plant with purpley pink midribs somewhat tolerant of drought and poor soils, with very tightly packed cylindrical bunches up to 77lb of slightly yellowish fleshed pleasantly sweet/acid balanced, short and fat attractive bright yellow 'bottle necked' fruit. It is known for the fruit to hold well on the bunch, even at full ripeness.This cultivar is the main commercial banana of India. It is suceptible to Panama disease. (056) [S]hort, rotund, 4" long finger-type bananas are very sweet. A large, skinny grower, it is best in locations not exposed to hard winds. While some say it tends to go dormant at higher temperatures than other varieties such as Goldfinger or Orinoco/Dwarf Orinoco, others dispute this. It was reportedly selected from a high elevation in Samoa, and it does seem to produce good quality fruit to 4" under cool conditions according to one commercial grower in New Zealand. Another Southern California grower in a warm location rates it among his best (079) Samoan variety, crops really well in New Zealand. Bananas are short, fat and very sweet. (078) Selected variety from Samoan highlands. Originally from India. Fruiting banana of excellent quality. We have extensively trialed this banana with excellent results. A good all round variety for subtropical conditions. (038) [A] vigorous plant with purpley pink midribs somewhat tolerant of drought and poor soils, with very tightly packed cylindrical bunches up to 35kg of slightly yellowish fleshed pleasantly sweet/acid balanced, short and fat attractive bright yellow 'bottle necked' fruit. It is known for the fruit to hold well on the bunch, even at full ripeness. This cultivar is the main commercial banana of India. It is suceptible to Panama disease. [Same as Mysore.] (058) Apple-like flavor. (910) {EDIT} Mysore is the original misi luki, same banana, different name. It is an Indian desert banana, very widely grown. Problem is, the Misi Luki plant you have is almost definetly not the true misi luki. Here is the history;
A Dutch guy called Dick Endt settled in Auckland NZ in the 50s, with a fascination for tropical fruit coming I believe from his familys time in the 'Dutch East Indies' colonies. He has done a huge amount of work with cool tolerant high altitude tropical plants, being one of the people who introduced Babaco to the West, as well as pushing plants like Parajubaea and Mountain papaya forms. Most of the plants he introduced into NZ, he then sent to USA via his CRFG contacts. Anyway, he was in Samoa one time, and found a banana at high altitude there called 'misi luki' by the locals. He brought it into NZ, where it grew well. He then introduced it to the USA, and this is the form that you Americans know by that name. The trouble is, there was an eralier import of misi luki into NZ, which is a very differnt plant. Thewr eis now a lot of debate as to whether Dick Endts Misi Luki is a misi luki at all.
To sum, up, I have no idea what the difference between the Misi luki that you and I have, and the true misi luki, and mysore. Sorry, I am no help at all!
One thing though, I did once prune a misi luki (same form as yours!) bunch right down to about 2 hands of about 10 bananas each. The fruit got so big that I couldn't get it in past my teeth, and the fruit ripened in an amazingly short time, but I cant remeber exactly how long. I think about 2 months or less???? "Ben" via D Johnson
HEIGHT: 10-12' (910), (032), 12' (038), 15' (056), 15-20' (079)
ORIGIN: India (038), Samoa (078) (079)
DISEASE: Panama susceptible.
HIGHLIGHTS: Apple-like flavor.
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FHIA-2, SH-3486 (090)
[S]o-called because scientists thought it a work of art. It is being harvested on a small coastal plantation in Guapiles, an hour-and-a-half drive from Costa Rica's capital, San Jose. (017) A recent product of the banana breeding [program] in Honduras. Good wind resistance, cold tolerant. Very good tasting Banana. (032) [A] synthetic hybrid [that] has been marketed as a "pesticide-free" banana in Canada. The fruit is to be eaten fresh; it is ripe when it is greenish yellow in color. (032) Another variety that is very similar to 'Goldfinger', though with a heritage very similar to Cavendish. Listed as a fresh eating type, but I have never met a banana that couldn't be cooked at some stage. Has arching, decumbent foliage. It is a fast re-cropper. Whereas 'Goldfinger' can take a full 18 months to bear after its first crop, this form can bear another crop the following year (under favorable conditions!). Resistant to disease, robust, drought resistant. This variety is highly colored and quite ornamental. Clusters range in the 30-80 lb. range, fruit is light yellow green when ripe. (079) [H]ardy, semi-dwarf, cooking banana which is resistant to black Sigatoka, Panama disease, and Moko disease, and is tolerant to nematodes. Is being grown commercially in Cuba (where it is eaten primarily as a ripe dessert banana) and Grenada. Adapted to a wide range of climates, including subtropical conditions and high altitudes. The strong plant supports bunch weights of more than 100 lbs. without a need for propping. (092) Williams x SH3393 cross. (038) [A] cooking banana. It is also a very good dessert banana, but the fingers tend to break at the branches when ripe. The average bunch weight is 40 lbs. [C]onsidered as a robust and drought resistant variety. The variety is however susceptible to Fusarium Wilt race 1. Because of the low tolerance of this variety to FW race 1, the diffusion has been limited and finally completely stopped. (038) The Department of Primary Industries, Queensland has utilised a range of varieties resistant to black Sigatoka as part of the Banana Replacement Program which has operated in Cape York and the Torres Strait. One of these varieties has been FHIA 02. With increased interest in the commercial production of niche and black Sigatoka resistant varieties it is timely to present the following information about this variety. [B]red at the Fundacion Hondurena De Investigacion Agricola (FHIA) in Honduras by the late Phil Rowe. Its parentage is supposedly Williams (Cavendish) x SH - 3393, but there remains some doubt over whether Williams is the female parent. [Also]lso known as SH-3486 (SH=Selected Hybrid) and Mona Lisa (central America). Bunch weights ... were about 15-20% less than Williams, plants ... were about 15% taller than Williams and fruit length of FHIA 02 was 15-20% shorter than Williams. [H]ighly resistant to black Sigatoka and is also resistant to yellow Sigatoka. This has made it a possible candidate for organic production in central America. The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) has been pursuing this vigorously by marketing FHIA 02 in Canada. However, there is still much to be done to secure and build such a market. It is also grown on over 100 ha in Cuba.(090) [S]usceptible to both Races 1 and 4 of this disease. Thus its commercialisation has not been pursued in southern Queensland or New South Wales where the disease is widespread. Production should be more possible in north Queensland where Race 4 is not present and Race 1 is less prevalent. [R]elatively less susceptible to Race 1 when compared to Lady Finger.The taste is quite agreeable, not acidic like Goldfinger can be, and not quite as strong a flavour as Cavendish. Its taste should be relatively well accepted in the marketplace. (090) A new variety similar to the Goldfinger. The fruit has a very good flavor (063)
GENETICS: AAAA (079), AAAB (038)
HEIGHT: 7-10' (079), 10-12' (032), 14' (038)
DISEASE: Black sigatoka resistant (126), Panama resistant (092), Panama (race 1 and 4) Susceptible (091) (038) (090), MOKO resistant (092), Nematode tolerant. (092), Yellow Sigatoka resistant (090).
HIGHLIGHTS: FHIA hybrid. Disease resistance.
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Pisang jari buaya (038)
A terrific looking plant that produces very large bunches of long thin bananas with slight curving. It truly resembles the elongated fingers of a large monkey hand and hence obtained its name. The fruit is firm and sub-acid sweet giving it a very refreshing flavor. (001) (010) A very unusual banana! Long racemes 5 to 6' producing long, skinny, tart tasting bananas that cover the entire length of it's raceme, like chain links. A must for the serious collector. (005) This is a very unusual banana and a must for serious collectors. This banana has a long raceme (5 to 6 feet) of fruit with long skinny tart tasting bananas. A real conversation piece. (032) A tall plant that produces tasty long bananas. The racemes can get to be six feet long and weight 70 to 80 pounds (063) Large size plant suited for landscaping. Large bunches can be 6' long. Quite unique, but fruit is not very tasty. (038)
HEIGHT: 10-12 (001) (010), 18-20' (032), 20' (038)
ORIGIN: Papua New Guinea (038)
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Dhusre (006)
A cooking type from South India. Similar to the Bluggoe or Orinoco in size and versatility. (001) (004) (010) An Indian banana of exceptional hardiness. It produces long, heavy bunches of sweet plump bananas. (005) An excellent cooking and eating variety of exceptional hardiness. [P]produces long huge heavy bunches of large very plump bananas. (007) The Monthan variety is used to make" Baji" , a special type of snack very common in [India]. (049) A vigorous growing plant that produces large bunches of fruit that can be cooked or eaten raw. (063) Ironically, India is the largest producer of banana in the world with a total production of approximately 16.8 million tonnes. Kerala is one of the important banana growing States in the country. There are several varieties of banana grown in [Kerala, India] such as Nendran, Nyali Poovan, Poovan (Silk), Palayankodan, Red banana, Monthan, Elaivazhai and Kunnan. (119) Fat fruit that is about 5 to 7" long. Texture is very firm. Good for frying. Should be very ripe for fresh eating. When fully ripe, I think they have a slight strawberry flavor. (910) Culinary Banana. (074) {EDIT} Male bud of Musa (ABB group) 'Dhusré' a banana cultivar from north-east India. The male bud has typical Musa balbisiana characteristics.(065)
HEIGHT: 10-11' (910), 10-12 (001), 14-16 (005) (007)
ORIGIN: India (011)
HIGHLIGHTS: Consistently large fat, fruit. (910)
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Other varieties grown in the [Philippines] include the Morado, Pitogo, Los Banos, Senorita, Tindok, Gloria, Granda, and Tumok. (066) The Philippines has different varieties of banana - from the cooking variety named Saba, to small sweet Latundan, to the bigger exportable Bongolan, to red-skinned Morado, to full of seeds Espanola, to small, finger-like Senoritas. (020)
The Thai red banana has a bright red flower that can last for 5 to 6 months. A very ornamental flowering banana. (063)
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Musa Lasiocarpa, Chinese Yellow
This short, stout, ornamental banana like plant is a prolific grower with tight clustering leaves. It produces a golden-yellow inflorescence emerging from the center & extending upward like a crowned jewel. Flower lasts about a month. Beautiful and Unusual. (001) (010) Clumping tightly banana producing stiff waxy buttery yellow inflorescence lasting several months at a time [with] 2 to 3 inflorescences on each plant. Banana of cold hardiness down to the teens. Great for the northern tropical plant gardener!(005) Musella lasiocarpa is the correct name for this somewhat enigmatic little species that is sometimes listed as Musa lasiocarpa. There is still some doubt as to which genus it belongs to but best current evidence suggests it truly belongs in a genus on its own. Previously thought to be endemic to China, Musella is now known to occur in the northern hills of Vietnam and Laos. Musella is rather new to cultivation. It is cold tolerant and grows well outdoors in the UK in summer although somewhat more slowly than, say, Ensete ventricosum or Musa basjoo. It can be overwintered outdoors but only with difficulty and is best brought under protection for the winter. Musella has a very characteristic shape; with its conical pseudostem and grey-green leaves held rather stiffly upright it somewhat resembles a large shuttlecock. Unfortunately, the inflorescence is so massive that the leaves of the plant are forced horizontal as it emerges rather destroying the neat appearance of the vegetative plant. However, this is more than compensated for by the extraordinary inflorescence which is a massive club-shaped structure rather like a large yellow globe artichoke, and takes months to complete flowering. Musella grows to about [4'] tall outdoors but may be much taller in a greenhouse. (011) [F]rom Yunnan Province, China. Its butter-yellow inflorescence is unmatched in show. Bracts are stiff and waxy, lasting for several months. On some plants 2 or 3 inflorescences are produced. Plant is very cold hardy, down into teens fahrenheit. Zone 7 and higher. Clumps tightly, does not run. (030) A small onramental yellow flowering banana that appears to be very hardy grower. (063) [D]oes not produce any bananas. It is desirable for its very large waxy, yellow flowers which are upright on erect stems and can last up to 6 months. It produces an abundance of typical banana leaves which evolve from a short stalk. Presents a very tropical appearance and can be grown indoors if you provide enough light and warmth. Its outdoor cultivation is the same as the Musa Basjoo banana. (105) [N]ative to the Yunan Providence in China and can withstand temperatures down into the teens. This tightly clumping, stocky growing plant produces an incredible large bright yellow inflorescence (bloom) that will last for months! This variety is great for container growing. (048) You may have a hard-time getting the Musella lasiocarpa to bloom. It requires frost damages to its leaves and outer sheath layers before blooming is induced. You need frosty nights for this cold hardy species to enjoy the flower. However, during the winter or early spring, you can dig it out, put it inside a big freezer for an hour or so, and then replant it. (906)
HEIGHT: 4' (001) (010), 5-6' (105), 6' (038)
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Fusarium wilt is a serious problem on many banana cultivars. The East African Highland subgroup (AAA 'Mutika/Lujugira') [has] been reported as susceptible in some environments. (130)
Ney Poovan, Lady's Finger, Apple, Farine France, Pisang Keling, Poovan (006), Thousand Grain (025), Palaynkoden (028), Fillbasket (011) (025), Pisang assam keling (025), Champa banana (025), Klue Kai Ferang, Klue Nom Sawan (025)
[A] close cousin [of] MISI LUKI [and] the most popular and delicious lady finger bananas we have tasted. Popular in India, the mysore is an important commercial crop for that area of the world. The shelf[-life] outlast[s] any other by several days. They are sturdy and resistant to most problems as well as fast growing. (001) (010) (013a) [An] important banana cultivar from India and Pakistan. The root system on this banana is so strong that it never blows over from high winds. The trunk is dull rust in color, and the leaf has a dark red midrib. The delicious flavor is exciting to those who are searching for a new banana taste. A slightly acid flavor offsets the sweetness, just enough to make it interesting. The banana fruit has exceptionally long shelf life in storeage. There are no disease or pest problems. (002) (003) A very ornamental plant which produces heavy bunches of sweet flavorful bananas. Tall and multicolored reddish purple trunk, leaf petioles and underside of the leaf make this a beautiful banana. (005) [R]eddish purple coloring in the trunk, and the underside of the leaf. Produces heavy bunches of very sweet flavorful bananas 3 to 5-inches long. Widely grown in India and one of the favorite dessert bananas there. Very ornamental and a good producer of quality bananas. (007) Represents 70 % of the bananas produced in India. The fruit is of the highest quality, sweet with a good texture. The plant is vigorous, semi-hardy with large bunches of small fruit. Its leaves and trunk are ornamental, with splashes of red, black, and purple. (009) It is a large vigorous plant and can yield a heavy crop which accounts for its name in the West Indies, 'Fillbasket'. (011) This variety is very resistent to all pests and diseases, is very tolerant of soil conditions, has a very strong root system and produces gorgeous heads of fruit. The heads of fruit can reach up to 50 pounds, produces bananas of uniform size, and are of excellent quality. Often referred to as a (lady finger) variety, due to the fact that the fruit averages 5 inches in length. Among the best qualities of the mysore is the exceptionally long shelf life of the fruit after it ripens (027) It is green leafed with red midrib. Undersides of leaves have pinkish, waxy coating. The plant produces very thin-skinned short fat "lady finger" sweet fruit. [W]ind resistant but should be propped up when carry large heads of fruit. (032) A very attractive plant that has a reddish purple coloration on the stem and leaf sheaths. The fruit is thin skinned and sweet (063) [A] ladyfinger type of banana hailing from India. This red tinged plant grows The bunches of yellow fruit are tightly packed, thin-skinned and very sweet with a hint of strawberry flavor. It is fairly wind tolerant, vigorous, and productive. It is resistant to nematode and corm borer attack as well. (056) [A] vigorous plant with purpley pink midribs somewhat tolerant of drought and poor soils, with very tightly packed cylindrical bunches up to 77lbg of slightly yellowish fleshed pleasantly sweet/acid balanced, short and fat attractive bright yellow 'bottle necked' fruit. It is known for the fruit to hold well on the bunch, even at full ripeness.This cultivar is the main commercial banana of India. It is suceptible to Panama disease. [Same as Misi Luki according to this source] (058) Very attractive green leaves, brown patchy colored trunk. Thin-skinned fruit. This banana is noted for being more wind resistant. (050) [A] most important banana type of India, constituting 70% of the total crop. It is sparingly grown in Malaya, Thailand, Ceylon and Burma. It is thought to have been introduced into Dominica in 1900 but the only place where it is of any importance in the New World is Trinidad where it is cultivated as shade for cacao. The plant is large and vigorous, immune to Panama disease and nearly so to Sigatoka; very hardy and drought tolerant. It bears large, compact bunches of medium sized, plump, thin skinned, attractive, bright yellow fruits of subacid flavor. (076) Red tinged leaves, small plump fruit. (096) Ney poovan is AB (025) ferang = European kai =egg (Thai) (025) Banana cultivars differ in their susceptibility to Yellow Sigatoka with the Cavendish group (AAA) and 'Pome' (AAB) bananas being highly susceptible. 'Sucrier' (AA), 'Bluggoe' (ABB), and 'Silk' (AAB) are of intermediate susceptibility, while 'Mysore' is only slightly susceptible. Fungicides are available for control. (028) ferang = European kai =egg (Thai) (025) Klue = banana (Thai)
GENETICS: AAB (006) AAB (009) (011) (038), AB (025)
HEIGHT: 10-14' (032), 12-14' (056), 14-16' (001) (010), 18' (002) (038)
13-14' (910)
ORIGIN: India (002) (003)
DISEASE: Corm borer resistant, Nematode resistant.
HIGHLIGHTS: Good shelf-life. Reliable producer.
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DESCRIPTION:Grown in India. (065)
Namwa, Pisang Awak (001), Klu Nam Wa (021), Nam Weh (056), Klue Namwah (?)
[T]his group of lady finger bananas produce large sized bunches of sweet delicious fruit that is prized in the Indonesian areas as well as here. Somewhat sensitive to Panama disease (fusarium wilt). (001) (010) This banana tree produces fruit that is considered the tastiest, sweetest and highest quality fruit of all. Midrib under leaf is mauve. The underside of a young leaf is reddish brown, turning green with maturation. (003) This banana from Thailand is the most commonly grown cultivar in that country. It is drought resistant and vigorous. (032) [A] Thai banana, produces angular fruit with excellent sweet flavor. Fruit, growth habit, and hardiness are very similar to the 'Ice Cream' banana, but Nam Weh is disease resistant and lacks the silvery-colored peel. (056) Grown extensively in Thailand. Drought resistant. Very tasty fruit. (038)
HEIGHT: 10-14' (001) (003) (010) (032) (038)
ORIGIN: Thailand (032) (056)
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A lot of banana species grow in Malaysia. There are bananas to cook with (eg. Nangka, Tanduk, Awak) and those eaten raw like Mas, Rastali, Berangan, and Embun. Each bunch weighs [24 - 31 lbs] and fruits have average length of [7"]. The pulp is pale yellow and the peel is thick. (138) Use as fried banana (pisang goreng). Each bunch has 6 - 8 hands and weighed [26 -31 lbs.]. Every hand has 14 - 24 fingers. It has large, angular shape with medium to large fingers. (139) {EDIT} The dessert types are emas, berangan, rastali, udang and a new clone named cavendish (novaria) whereas the hardy fruits used in cooking and food processing are abu nipah, abu kapur, buloh, tanduk, awak, masam and nangka. (142)
HEIGHT: 8-9' (138)
A rare dessert banana ... with a large amount of "chocolate" coloration in the pseudostem. The fruit is plump, at about 5 inches long & narrowed at the tip. It has sub-acid flavor which makes it refreshing. (001) (010)
HEIGHT: 10-12' (001) (010)
Nendhran, Ethakai (050)
This very common variety of banana , cultivated every where in [Kerala, India] providing very good sunlight. The fruits are big sized, used for dual purpose as dessert and for cooking. These are eaten raw after ripening and also used for the preparation of different types Kerala dishes. Each bunch of fruit has minimum of 5 clusters (hands) weighing about 25-55 lbs. The harvest of this variety is connected to Onam (a harvest festival in the month of August or September). The fruits are also best for the preparation of Banana Chips. (050)
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Lady's Finger (028), Sucrier (028), Honey (028), Datil (028), Bocadillo (028), Pisang mas (028)
This exceptional sweet, thin skinned baby banana produces a fruit about 3-4 inches long. It is a light-green plant that grows rapidly. (001) (010) One of the most highly esteemed bananas around the world for its exquisite taste and texture. The plant itself is also quite desirable from an ornamental standpoint with its narrow leaves which are a beautiful and unusual shade of green, and the black coloration in the trunk and leaf sheathes. The plant is also less vigorous than most other varieties needing optimal siting and exceptional care to produce the small bunch of tiny (3-inch) but delicious banana. (007) One of the world's most popular local bananas that has remained outside the international marketplace because of low productivity and poor shipping qualities. It is very sweet, with tiny hands of petite fruit born on a fragile slender plant. Best grown in part shade or morning sun. Tender. (009) One of the most highly esteemed bananas around the world for its exquisite taste and texture. The plant is very ornamental black speckled on the trunk and leaf sheaths. (063) [A] fairly slender plant that produces small heads of fruit of excellent quality. The pseudostem is heavily marked with tan and brown mottling and the leaves have an unusual fluorescent green color. It has moderate wind tolerance. (032) [G]rows tall and produces one of the sweetest ladyfinger bananas. Fruit is 2 to 3 inches long, thin skinned and plump. Stock should be harvested green because bananas are prone to splitting. The plant has slender leaves of a bright, almost glowing green color. [D]rought sensitive and does not produce large heads of fruit. (056) (FROM HONEY Description) One of the world's most popular local bananas that has remained outside the international marketplace because of low productivity and poor shipping qualities. It is very sweet, with tiny hands of petite fruit born on a fragile slender plant. Best grown in part shade or morning sun. (009) [A]s it's name suggests, is a very sweet banana; it has small fruit, thin skin, yellowy flesh, and small bunches (up to 28 lbs). Planting to harvest is about 11 months under subtropical conditions. Unfortuneately, this cultivar is not well adapted to cooler temperatures. Not recommended. (058)
Is "Pisang Mas" the same as "Mas" ??? {V} What about "Datil" from Puerto Rico ??? {V}
GENETICS: AA (009) (028)
HEIGHT: 6-8' (009), 8-10' (001) (010), 10-12 (032)
HIGHLIGHTS: Very sweet fruit.
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Use as fried banana (pisang goreng). Each bunch has 12 - 18 hands and weighed [33 - 66 lbs]. Every hand has 12 - 20 fingers. It has large, angular fingers ranges from [4-6"] in length and [1-1/4 - 2"] in thickness. Fruit skin is very thick, smooth and yellow in colour when ripen. It has creamy white and sweet flesh. (139)
SEE Super Dwarf Cavendish
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